Thursday, March 6, 2008

Appropriate Dog Toys

We all love our dogs, and we want what is best for them. Dogs need playtime just like kids do and we need to provide some toys for that time. But how do you know which toys are appropriate (not to mention safe) for your dog? Here is a guide to chew toys. First, don't use items that you don't want your dog to chew on. For example, you probably don't want your dog chewing up your new shoes, so don't give him one of the old ones as a toy! He isn't going to understand the difference and he will assume that all shoes are fair game. Having said this, I have found a fantastic guide to making your own dog toys that we just love. First of all, it saves us money. Have you seen the price of dog toys lately? Our dog chews through toys in about a day, and we spend at least $5.00 per toy! That can really add up! This book uses items that most of us have around to make fun, safe, and durable dog toys. Because you are using these items in an altered form from their original form (for example, tearing off part of an old pair of jeans to make into a rope) your dog won't have the issues with chewing on items he shouldn't, like your new jeans. Also, this book allows my kids to get in on the act and make the toys - it's great family time! Check it out! Click Here! If you don't feel you have the time to make dog toys, here are a few tips on what to look for at the store. In the beginning you may have to buy a variety of toys to find out which ones your dog prefers. My dog loves stuffed toys, but isn't very fond of ropes. Once you have determined what types of toys your dog likes, you can stick with them instead of wasting money on things he won't use. Don't give him all of his toys at one time. Try to rotate toys every few days so he doesn't get bored. Beware of toys with small pieces like beads or jingle bells, as your dog could choke on these. Toys made of rawhide, nylon and durable rubber tend to last the longest. Many dogs like toys that make noise. Keep in mind the size of your dog when looking for appropriate toys. Small dogs need smaller items and may prefer softer toys. Larger dogs need larger items that they won't choke on and that will be more durable in their large mouths. Dogs need lots of playtime and finding the right toys can make everyone happy. To find out how to make your own toys Click Here!. Have a great day!

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